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From 18 December to 10 January 2021, the Ateneo de Madrid is hosting the exhibition ‘Ingenious Women: Engineering for Women’. An exhibition of the most relevant women in the fields of engineering and technology, including Elena García Armada, founder of Marsi Bionics. This exhibition is part of the ‘Ingenious Women’ project, an initiative promoted by professors and doctoral students of the ETSII (School of Industrial Engineering) and professors of the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) Ciudad Real, which seeks to awaken vocations among girls and teenagers for careers related to engineering and technology, especially those related to industrial engineering. Among the sample of women selected are the great inventors and engineers of the present and the past: a unique opportunity to discover the lives of women such as Ada Lovelace – inventor of what is considered to be the first computer programme in history – or Donna Strickland, a pioneer in the field of
research in the field of lasers and the third woman in history to win the Nobel Prize for Physics, after Marie Curie in 1903 and Maria Goeppert-Mayer in 1963. Thus, female inventors, technologists and engineers come together in this exhibition to set themselves up as female references in the various disciplines that encompass engineering and technology.